BC/Yukon Association of Drug War Survivors

A funding and advocacy organization with the goal to improve the health and social conditions of people who use illicit substances. Develops drug user groups across the province, and offers networking with existing drug user groups comprised of users and former users. Groups use their hyperlocal understanding of issues facing drug users in their area to advocate for policy change around issues such as harm reduction resources, safe supply, and decriminalization of illegal drugs. Also promotes an understanding of drug use to eliminate the stigmatization and isolation of drug users. Activities include seed-funding user groups; building networks between user groups, allies, and officials; implementing educational programs about safer drug use; group meetings; and public awareness campaigns. Parents Advocating Collectively for Kin (PACK) (www.packbc.org) is a grassroots initiative working to address the needs, rights, and issues facing women and gender-diverse parents who are at disproportionate risk of having their children apprehended into government care due to past or current substance use. Nonprofit society.