A volunteer-run organization working towards safer communities. Safe Buddies are screened volunteers who escort older adults age 60 and over and to anyone identifying as a woman who feels unsafe walking home in Canada; includes transgender, cisgender, and non-binary people. Clients are matched with a buddy who will walk with them on a predetermined route. If a Safe Buddy is unavailable at a specific time or in a particular region, a buddy can be on a phone with the client as they travel home; throughout the trip, phone or text message check-ins are made to ensure the client's and volunteer's safety. Services hours are 3 pm to 7 pm on weekdays. Bookings are through www.boltsafety.org/safebuddies or the App; see below. Safe Hubs is a network of safe spaces providing refuge for those in need; offered in partnership with local businesses. The Bolt Safety Mobile Platform is a free App that features content such as self-defense tutorials and safety tips from community experts, as well as information on resources such as crisis lines, survivor support services, and mental health counselling. backyards with bolt is an online conversation with community members on topics related to personal safety and well-being; check website for social media details. Discussion Nights offers an open discussion after watching a film on how to improve safety in communities; admission is free though donations are accepted, and registration is required. Funded in part by Canada Service Corps, and also by Government of Canada. Nonprofit society.