Giving Back Support Recovery Society

An abstinence-based, supportive recovery facility with first- and second-stage housing for up to 10 men, age 19 and over, who are looking for a safe place to begin their recovery and integrate into mainstream society; prerequisite is detoxification prior to admission. Services are based on the 12-step program and includes required attendance of in-house groups and at least six 12-step meetings a week, volunteering in the community, one-on-one meditation group and support group, 12-step oriented recovery activities, and sports and recreational activities. Minimum stay is 90 days; residents can work or study upon completion of the program and stay up to 18 months. Accepts methadone maintenance clients. Welcomes self-referrals. Fees range from $650 to $880 per month. Office and intake hours are 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Thursday and 8 am to 12 noon Friday. Nonprofit society, registered charity.