Operates supportive recovery homes for adult women and men in Maple Ridge, Mission, and Port Coquitlam. Services include alcohol and drug counselling, group therapy, 12-step work, life skills program grounded in Christian principles, anger management programs, and relapse prevention programs. Utilizes community resources for re-education and further treatment. First-stage houses include Liverpool (Resurrection) House in Port Coquitlam for men, Hilland (Hope for Freedom) Lodge in Maple Ridge for men, and Glory House in Mission for women; self-referrals are welcome. Oxford (Revival) House is a second-stage house in Port Coquitlam for men who wish to taper off methadone or other opiates; no direct intake, as only accepts clients from Hope For Freedom first-stage houses. Shaughnessy House is a third-stage house in Port Coquitlam for men who have completed a court program and are transitioning to employment; no direct intake, as only accepts clients from other Hope for Freedom houses. Fees of $2,500 per month include room and board, comprehensive program, and essential transportation needs. Office and intake hours are 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. All recovery houses are registered with the Assisted Living Registry, Ministry of Health. Nonprofit society, registered charity.