Provides support to engage Farsi-speaking newcomers, refugees, and refugee claimants to help them feel at home in Canada. Services include help finding accommodation, locating free and low-cost furniture and household needs, completing application forms, and navigating government services. Operates a culture-sensitive food pantry that offers a monthly credit based on family size to newcomers who are in financial crisis. Income tax assistance is available from 11 am to 6 pm on Saturdays in March and April. Also offers ESL classes online and in person; pre-registration is required. Friendship support may be provided over coffee or tea with a volunteer who understands the Middle Eastern culture and what it means to be in a new and different country. Also provides seminars on topics such as Canadian health services, immigration policies, banking, and job search; available online and/or in person. Access to computer and/or internet is available. Office hours are 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday. Nonprofit organisation, registered charity.