Provides support to individuals affected by Parkinson's disease through education, support services, research, and systemic advocacy. Offers information and referral via a toll-free phone number. Produces 'Viewpoints', a quarterly magazine; offers information materials including pamphlets, help sheets, and booklets. Provides one-on-one consultation sessions, as well as counselling services offered in-person or by phone. Education events help address issues such as medication timing, communication and swallowing challenges, nutrition, mental health, and caregiver burnout. Several scholarships are offered for healthcare professionals wishing to expand their knowledge of Parkinson's disease and offer services in their community. A network of support groups are available across BC. Office and support group venues are wheelchair accessible. Membership fee is $25 per year. Office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Nonprofit society, registered charity.