Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD)

Participant-driven centre that provides opportunities for learning, personal growth, and individual empowerment for people with disabilities. Offers information, resources, and networking services pertaining to disability and accessibility issues. Also offers life skills and computer training, English as an additional language, and recreational activities. Provides employment support and services, and helps to access education and training. Hosts public education workshops on topics that address the needs of people with disabilities including health and financial issues. Offers a summer day camp for children and youth age six to 16. Runs peer support groups for persons with disabilities and their families, including groups for Chinese speakers, Filipino parents, youth with special needs, and mothers with children who have a disability. Issues parking permits for people with disabilities. Trained volunteers provide free income tax filing services in March and April to anyone who has a modest income and a simple tax situation; program hours are 11 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. Computer/internet access is available and open to members. Office hours are 10 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.