Aboriginal Health and Safety Project (AHSP)

Works with Indigenous women with current or past involvement in the sex trade. Offers cultural learning, community connections, self-esteem building, and peer outreach. Indigenous Evenings or Mornings in the Drop-in are offered once a week and include activities such as drumming, beading, and dream-...
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Bad Date Reporting

Sex workers can report and share bad experiences in order to alert and protect each other. A "bad date" is anything that one does not want to experience and can include feeling uncomfortable about a date, or someone being rude, stealing, refusing to pay, threatening or any and all acts of violence a...
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WISH Shelter

Provides year-round, 24-hour emergency housing for current and former sex workers who are women, transgender, or non-binary individuals. Accommodation is in shared rooms; 23 bed capacity. Services include meals, shower and laundry facilities, personal hygiene products, and clothing. Other services i...
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