
  1. Provides training and support to eligible single parents on income assistance or disability assistance to help them secure long-term and sustainable employment. Case managers look at aptitude, background, and local job market, and then work with each individua...
  2. Provides in-person information and access to a wide range of federal government services and benefits related to employment, financial assistance, and personal identification. Includes programs that assist seniors, families and children, individuals with disab...
  3. FOCUS@Work is a free, highly participatory employment program that helps self-identifying women assess their skills and strengths, set career goals, build connections, and develop job search skills to find meaningful, sustainable employment.
  4. WorkBC Centre - Vancouver (City Centre)Provided by: Open Door Group - AKA: Open Door Social Services Society
    Provides individualized support to help job seekers find and maintain employment and improve employment readiness. Self-serve resource area provides career and job search resources, job postings, career-related books and labour market information, and access t...
  5. Provides vocational/employment programs to assist youth and adults aged 16 to 64 with mental health disabilities reach their volunteer, employment, and educational goals. Services include psychological assessment, work-readiness skill training, career planning...
  6. Youth employment centre for job seekers ages 16 to 30 provides a range of free employment services and programs. Services include workshops, one-to-one-career support, access to funding for training, personalized resume and cover letter review, job search tool...
  7. Provides a range of programs and services to support women and girls throughout BC to gain the confidence and skills they need to reach their leadership potential. Offers leadership and mentorship programs to girls and women at many stages in their career deve...
  8. WorkBC Centre - Vancouver (East Hastings)Provided by: Open Door Group - AKA: Open Door Social Services Society
    Provides individualized support to help job seekers find and maintain employment and improve employment readiness. Self-serve resource area provides career and job search resources, job postings, career-related books and labour market information, and access t...
  9. WorkBC Centre - Vancouver (VCC)Provided by: Open Door Group - AKA: Open Door Social Services Society
    Provides individualized support to help job seekers find and maintain employment and improve employment readiness. Self-serve resource area provides career and job search resources, job postings, career-related books and labour market information, and access t...
  10. EMBERS Eastside WorksProvided by: EMBERS - AKA: Eastside Movement for Business and Economic Renewal Society
    An income generation hub helping people improve their livelihoods by finding part-time and flexible work opportunities, accessing training and support, and connecting to their community and local workforce. Aim is to help people make connections to the world o...
  11. Faith-based organization provides services and support for low-income families and homeless people. The Friends of Hastings program distributes meals and food to Downtown Eastside residents at the intersection of Hastings and Columbia at 1 pm on Saturdays. Oth...
  12. Offers employment assistance services to the urban Indigenous population of Metro Vancouver. Services include career counselling, information on education funding, referrals to training programs, supported job search, and funding for skills training and work g...
  13. Provides programs to promote healthy active living among Indigenous and inner-city children and youth, and to foster employment and life skills for youth who face barriers. Programs include Indigenous cultural programs such as social connections through food s...
  14. Provides financing tools, services, and supports in the areas of Aboriginal banking, green business, housing, labour banking, impact metrics and measurability, not-for-profits, social enterprise and social purpose real estate. Startup Business and Microloans p...
  15. Engages with specific populations in Vancouver, including those with racial, cultural, ethnic, sexual, gendered, and religious identities, to build relationships towards greater access to police services, enhanced public safety, and reduced fear of crime. Does...
  16. Provides individualized support to help job seekers ages 16 and over find and maintain employment and improve employment readiness. Clients must be unemployed or precariously employed and legally allowed to work in BC. Self-serve resource area provides career ...
  17. Employment Counselling ServicesProvided by: Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility - AKA: Western Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (WIDHH)
    Offers career and employment counselling to help the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing obtain and maintain employment. Includes vocational and worksite assessments, resume and interview skills training, and follow-up and support. Also provides a resource ro...
  18. A community economic development organization in the Downtown Eastside. The Employment Readiness Program (ERP) supports individuals who are experiencing barriers to employment to navigate their journey of returning to the workforce through skills training, pai...
  19. Provides in-person information and access to a wide range of federal government services and benefits related to employment, financial assistance, and personal identification. Includes programs that assist seniors, families and children, individuals with disab...
  20. Coordinates services for adults with developmental disabilities, adults with significant limitations in adaptive functioning and a diagnosis of either fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)/autism spectrum disorder (AS...
  21. Promotes and supports meaningful and equitable employment for people with disabilities. Employment Services support job seekers with all types of disability who wish to find meaningful employment. STEAM program improves employment outcomes for persons with dis...
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