  • Children and Youth with Special Needs

  1. Provides speech and language, occupational, and physical therapy services for children up to five years of age who need extra help due to premature birth, health problems, or developmental issues; services available at home, community sites, and SHARE offices....
  2. Family-centred program for children from birth to age three who have or are at risk of having a developmental delay. Supports parents to understand and respond to children's needs. Home-based services include home visits, developmental assessment, gross motor ...
  3. Provides specialized mental health services for individuals ages 12 and over who live with co-existing developmental disabilities and a mental illness; individuals may also struggle with behavioural challenges that are influence by the mental illness and devel...
  4. Offers a fee-based counselling program for children, youth, families, individuals, and couples. Counselling is available in English, Farsi, French, and German. Interpretation services can be arranged. Services are also offered to clients who are deaf or hard-o...
  5. Supports people with developmental disabilities and assists them to access services in their communities. Offers client-centred, community-based day programs and residential services, as well as support for individuals who are looking for employment. Also offe...
  6. Offers parent and tot drop-ins from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on Mondays and Wednesdays at Harbour View Elementary School, and Tuesdays and Thursdays at Old Orchard Hall.Old Orchard Community Centre: 646 Bentley Road, Port Moody
  7. Inclusive child care setting offering preschool, day care, kindercare, and out-of-school care for children ages two-and-a-half to 12. Open on professional development days and during school breaks.
  8. 10-bed inpatient facility offers multi-disciplinary mental health services for referred individuals ages 14 and older who are dually diagnosed with a developmental disability and a concurrent mental health concern, or behaviour issues. Provides psychiatric ass...
  9. Offers services to families with children or youth who have, or may have, complex neurobehavioural support needs such as those associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Services include information and referral during the diagnostic process, and ...
  10. Enables children up to age 12 who require extra supports to be included in a childcare, preschool, or after-school setting. Services include assistance finding childcare, individual planning, extra staffing support for childcare programs, training and informat...
  11. Offers a child or youth with a safe place to stay while providing temporary relief to families or care providers. Respite care can be provided in the home of the child/youth or at the home of the respite caregiver. Referral required from Ministry of Children a...
  12. Specialized housing typically includes 24-hour staffing and supervision or one live-in care provider with additional staff support during the day. A home is carefully selected and developed around a child or youth to meet their specific health, physical, menta...
  13. Offers licensed inclusive child care for children with varying needs and abilities ages three to five. Hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday. Registration is required. Fees are charged. Funded in part by the Ministry of Child and Family Development (MC...
  14. Provides family services, child and youth mental health services, and services for children and youth with support needs. Also provides services for foster parents, group homes, and contract resources. Office hours are 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm Monday t...
  15. Provides support to families with youth affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and other complex needs. Staff helps families to provide enhanced care through counselling, information, parenting strategies, service coordination, advocacy, and educat...
  16. Supports parents whose children up to three years of age are developmentally delayed or at risk of being so; provides home visits, workshops, and opportunities to meet other parents, and assists the family in planning activities that encourage development in p...
  17. Provides education programs in schools and other community settings to promote understanding, acceptance, and mutually rewarding friendships between children and youth ages three to 18 on the autism spectrum and their peers. Programs include autism demystifica...
  18. Provides children with autism, their peers, and their families with evidence-based, peer play intervention programs. Focuses on development of social, communication, emotional regulation, and peer play competencies of all children participating in the programs...
  19. Provides a range of mental health focused services, including specialized clinical and support services, to help families cope successfully with the requirements of raising children ages 12 and under with significant and persistent behaviour challenges. Servic...
  20. Offers individual counselling for blind or partially-sighted children and youth, as well as individual counselling and support groups for their parents. Also offers early intervention retreats for families with preschoolers. Provides information, resources, an...
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