
  1. Provides free confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health to youth age 21 and under. Services include birth control, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing and counselling, as well as testing and treatment of sexually transmitted ...
  2. Offers services to families with children or youth who have, or may have, complex neurobehavioural support needs such as those associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Services include information and referral during the diagnostic process, and ...
  3. Provides children with autism, their peers, and their families with evidence-based, peer play intervention programs. Focuses on development of social, communication, emotional regulation, and peer play competencies of all children participating in the programs...
  4. Provides a range of mental health focused services, including specialized clinical and support services, to help families cope successfully with the requirements of raising children ages 12 and under with significant and persistent behaviour challenges. Servic...
  5. Offers educational workshops, recreational clubs, and community outings to blind and partially-sighted children and youth. Participants build skills and experience that support cognitive and motor development, communication, independent travel, social networki...
  6. Offers advocacy, education, and support for people affected by epilepsy. Provides a resource library, information materials in various languages, educational events, information and referral services, hospital outreach, support groups, and peer support. Also o...
  7. Provides trauma-informed health and forensic care to individuals of any gender ages 13 and over who have experienced intentional person-to-person violence within the past seven days. Types of violence addressed include sexual assault, domestic and family viole...
  8. Provides free confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health to youth age 21 and under. Services include birth control, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing and counselling, as well as testing and treatment of sexually transmitted ...
  9. Provides free confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health to youth age 21 and under. Services include birth control, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing and counselling, as well as testing and treatment of sexually transmitted ...
  10. A child protection clinic for children and youth up to age 18 who may have been maltreated. Services include outpatient child health assessments by a specialized team (physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and child life specialists), consultation...
  11. Works to overcome societal barriers for those with disabilities and to empower vulnerable children and families throughout the South Fraser region; helps children with special needs reach their potential. Provides a wide range of comprehensive medical rehabili...
  12. Provides nursing, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy services to school-aged Burnaby children who have a physical disability, moderate to severe developmental disability, or complex needs. Services are provided in the home, school, and community. Assists ...
  13. Provides Early Intensive Behaviour Intervention (EIBI) to school-aged children and youth, and adult services to individuals who have an autism spectrum disorder and/or intellectual disability. Services include behaviour consultation; workshops for parents, car...
  14. Provides sexual and reproductive health care, information, and education for youth up to age 25 of all genders and orientations. Services are pro-choice and sex-positive. Services include low-cost contraception, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and...
  15. Provides youth age 21 and under with free and confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health. Services include birth control, emergency contraception, and pregnancy testing and counselling, as well as testing and treatment of sexually tr...
  16. Provides in-home services for families with children and youth with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders who are experiencing challenging behaviours. Services include a functional behaviour assessment and/or skills assessment, and individualized progr...
  17. Provides free integrated health and social services for youth ages 12 to 24 and their families. Mental health care, substance use services, primary health care, youth and family peer supports, and social services are accessible under one roof. Foundry Works is...
  18. Provides community-based mental health services to families with children and youth up to age 18 experiencing serious mental health difficulties or social, emotional, or behavioural disturbances. Services include comprehensive assessment and treatment of sever...
  19. Provides day treatment and educational services for children ages six to 12 who are living with complex developmental, behavioural, trauma, and attachment issues, and who are unable to manage in the regular educational system. Treatment aims to help children m...
  20. Funds and coordinates acute rehabilitation and support services for children and youth up to age 19 who are diagnosed with acquired brain injury from falls, tumors, infections, strokes, and other causes. Youth must require rehabilitation and support services, ...