
  1. Provides support services to victims and witnesses of crime and other trauma including short-term, police-based intervention to individuals and families in crisis. Also offers information and referral regarding community services, information on case progress,...
  2. Provides support and services to victims and witnesses of crime (as well as family members) through criminal court matters. Support services include information about the court process, court orientation and accompaniment (to Crown Counsel interviews and durin...
  3. Community-based victim services program offers free and confidential information, referral, advocacy, court accompaniment, and support services to men, women, and children who are victims of relationship violence, criminal harassment, sexual assault, and child...
  4. Provides free individual and group counselling for children and youth ages three to 18 who have been exposed to family violence. Helps children and youth understand their emotions, discuss their trauma, develop a safety plan, recognize their strengths, increas...
  5. Offers free individual and group counselling to female survivors of family violence, sexual assault, or historical abuse of any kind. Serves Anmore, Belcarra, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody. Program hours vary; office hours are 9 am to 4:30 pm Monda...
  6. Serves victims of all types of crime, including those injured and bereaved by accused that have not been identified or charged. Provides emotional support, advocacy, court orientation and accompaniment, transportation and accompaniment to related meetings, for...
  7. Homelessness Prevention ProgramProvided by: Act 2 Child and Family Services - AKA: Act II Child and Family Services
    Provides services to individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, in particular women who have experienced violence or are at risk of violence; also considers youth transitioning out of foster care, individuals of Indigenous descent, and individual...
  8. YWCA Survive to Thrive is a free, 12-week specialized employment and skills training program for self-identified women who are survivors of violence, abuse, and/or trauma. Some services are subject to funding and participant eligibility. Open referral and cont...
  9. Offers free services to women and children who have experienced or are experiencing family violence. Housing Outreach assists women to find and maintain suitable housing. The Multicultural Outreach program provides similar services to immigrant women who are n...
  10. Serves victims and their children who are in highest risk domestic violence situations. The unit offers safety planning, coordination with community partners, heightened police awareness and response, and confidentiality with outreach workers. Accepts referral...
  11. Operates a Domestic Abuse Help Line for victims of domestic abuse; open to all faiths and denominations. Staffed by trained volunteers between 10 am and 10 pm daily. Clients are provided with spiritual, legal, and psychological resources, and referrals to tran...
  12. Supports women to address trauma, relationship violence, and heal from historical and intergenerational trauma. Offers RedPath Living Without Violence Program, a 12 week group which meets six hours per week; weekly healing circles; connections to community and...
  13. Provides women survivors of family violence with free access to the legal advice and representation that they need to assert their rights in court and leave an abusive relationship. A family lawyer is available seven hours per week to assist women with their l...
  14. Provides free women's clothing and personal care kits for women living in poverty or fleeing domestic violence; children's clothing, diapers, bedding, and small households items may be available. Accepts donations of such items; call or email office.
  15. Provides free, confidential one-to-one and group counselling for women age 19 and over who have experienced sexual assault, childhood abuse, or violence in intimate relationships. Open referral. Office hours are 9:30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. Funded by Mini...
  16. Provides victim services to individuals of any age or gender who have been victims of child abuse, sexual assault, relationship violence (including elder abuse and any other form of family violence), and stalking. Victims may or may not be involved with the cr...
  17. Provides free education and support counselling for children and youth ages three to 18 who have witnessed or been exposed to domestic violence or abuse. Helps children and youth understand their emotions, discuss their trauma, develop a safety plan, recognize...
  18. Homeless Hub is a drop-in centre that provides support services to the homeless, including meals (breakfast at 9 am, lunch at 12 noon, and a bagged meal at 3:30 pm), a cooking club, shower and laundry facilities (from 9 am to 2 pm), a seniors group, a support ...
  19. Provides community-based victim services to adults age 18 and over who have experienced spousal assault, sexual assault, historical childhood physical and/or sexual abuse, or criminal harassment. Services include emotional support, safety planning, information...
  20. Offers free counselling to women age 19 and over who have experienced childhood sexual abuse or relationship violence. Service is provided in person or online dependent on client/therapist comfort. Serves New Westminster. Office hours are 9 am to 5 pm Monday t...
  21. Provides trauma-informed health and forensic care to individuals of any gender ages 13 and over who have experienced intentional person-to-person violence within the past seven days. Types of violence addressed include sexual assault, domestic and family viole...
  22. Provides a individual and group counselling program for children and youth ages four to 18 who have been exposed to family violence. Helps children and youth understand their emotions, discuss their trauma, develop a safety plan, recognize their strengths, inc...
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