Results for: Coquitlam, BC, Canada
  • Victim Services
  • Coquitlam, BC, Canada

  1. Provides support services to victims and witnesses of crime and other trauma including short-term, police-based intervention to individuals and families in crisis. Also offers information and referral regarding community services, information on case progress,...
  2. Provides support and services to victims and witnesses of crime (as well as family members) through criminal court matters. Support services include information about the court process, court orientation and accompaniment (to Crown Counsel interviews and durin...
  3. Community-based victim services program offers free and confidential information, referral, advocacy, court accompaniment, and support services to men, women, and children who are victims of relationship violence, criminal harassment, sexual assault, and child...
  4. Serves victims of all types of crime, including those injured and bereaved by accused that have not been identified or charged. Provides emotional support, advocacy, court orientation and accompaniment, transportation and accompaniment to related meetings, for...
  5. Provides women survivors of family violence with free access to the legal advice and representation that they need to assert their rights in court and leave an abusive relationship. A family lawyer is available seven hours per week to assist women with their l...
  6. Provides victim services to individuals of any age or gender who have been victims of child abuse, sexual assault, relationship violence (including elder abuse and any other form of family violence), and stalking. Victims may or may not be involved with the cr...
  7. Crisis centre for women and girls provides a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive environment for survivors of violence. Free support services include crisis/emergency response; crisis line phone support; accompaniment to police, hospital, and court; support f...
  8. Provides community-based victim services to adults age 18 and over who have experienced spousal assault, sexual assault, historical childhood physical and/or sexual abuse, or criminal harassment. Services include emotional support, safety planning, information...
  9. Provides free and confidential peer counselling including practical support and referrals to female and male adult victims of sexual assault. Office and confidential line hours are 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.
  10. Reviews all charges referred by the police to determine if it is feasible to proceed with the case. Prosecutes the case and makes recommendations to the court as to an appropriate sentence. Contacts victims and witnesses if they have to testify at the trial an...
  11. Reviews all charges referred by the police to determine if it is feasible to proceed with the case. Prosecutes the case and makes recommendations to the court as to an appropriate sentence. Contacts victims and witnesses if they have to testify at the trial an...
  12. A child and youth advocacy centre dedicated to supporting victims of physical and/or sexual abuse up to 15 years of age living in Surrey, providing a safe and welcoming place to tell their stories. Hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. A collaboration...
  13. Supports women who are pregnant or have a child under six months old and are impacted by substance use and/or violence and abuse. Women do not need to have their children in their care to receive support provided there is an ongoing relationship with the child...
  14. Serves victims and witnesses of all types of crime, including those injured and bereaved by accused that have not been identified or charged. Provides emotional support, advocacy, court orientation and accompaniment, transportation and accompaniment to related...
  15. Provides early intervention services for Burnaby youth ages nine to 17 who are at risk of conflict with the community or with police. Offers both individual and family counselling aimed at preventing such conflict. Accepts referrals from the community. Also pr...
  16. Provides trauma-informed and culturally safe support to victims of a sexual assault ages 16 and over. Services include emotional support and counselling, advocacy, safety and wellness planning, accompaniment to medical and/or criminal justice system services, ...
  17. Offers free counselling to adult survivors of family violence, sexual assault, or historical sexual abuse. Also offers outreach services, advocacy, case management, transportation and accompaniment to medical, legal, and social service appointments, and referr...
  18. Provides victim services to children, youth under age 19, and their families, who are involved in any court process as a victim or witness, including those who have been sexually and/or physically abused. Provides support and advocacy, offers information about...
  19. Community-based support program provides victim services to sexual assault survivors of any age or gender, whether or not the crime has been reported to police. Services include emotional and practical support; advocacy; information about the justice system an...
  20. Provides culturally sensitive services to immigrant, refugee, and visible minority women who are or have been victims of sexual or physical abuse/assault, spousal assault, childhood abuse, stalking, hate crime or any other crimes, and children and youth who ar...
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