
  1. Offers harm reduction services and supplies to people who use drugs and/or engage in sex work in Maple Ridge, Surrey, and the Tri-Cities (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody). Services include peer-based information and education regarding safe using and...
  2. Two outreach workers based in Coquitlam Centre provide support to youth, including sexual health education, drug education, clothes, basic necessities, individualized support, and referrals to community resources. The program operates from 3 pm to 9 pm Thursda...
  3. The Mobile Health Van offers free mobile harm reduction services, including supplies intended for safer sex, injection, snorting, and smoking. Services also include on-the-spot shelter and health-care referrals, snacks, hygiene supplies, bad-date reporting, di...
  4. Provides outreach to individuals age 19 and over (youth age 18 and younger may also be eligible) who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or difficult to house. Outreach workers meet with individuals where they are - on the street, in a shelter, or in a...
  5. Homeless Hub is a drop-in centre that provides support services to the homeless, including meals (breakfast at 9 am, lunch at 12 noon, and a bagged meal at 3:30 pm), a cooking club, shower and laundry facilities (from 9 am to 2 pm), a seniors group, a support ...
  6. Provides Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) Youth and Family Development work for New Westminster. The program encompasses four areas of youth work: Transition to Independence provides support to youth on Youth Agreements or other forms of inde...
  7. Overdose prevention site provides a place where people who use drugs can be safely monitored and treated immediately if they overdose. Provides harm reduction supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, ...
  8. Offers housing services to seniors age 60 and over who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Services include housing navigation, and information and referral. Homeless Outreach Services provides outreach services to seniors, in particular seniors of Indige...
  9. An outreach worker connects individuals age 19 and over who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or difficult to house with support services. Outreach workers meet with individuals where they are - on the street, in a shelter, or in a temporary place - ...
  10. Provides information, referrals, and advocacy for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Services include housing advocacy and assistance to access income support, including communication with government departments, representation at appeals, med...
  11. Gives hope and support to vulnerable individuals and families through the provision of social services and practical assistance focusing on the basic necessities of life. Helps meet the immediate and short-term needs of people in distress through emergency ass...
  12. Provides outreach to individuals age 19 and over (youth age 18 and younger may also be eligible) who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or difficult to house. Outreach workers meet with individuals where they are - on the street, in a shelter, or in a...
  13. The North Shore Shelter is a short-term shelter with up to 45 beds for North Shore adults over 18 years of age who have no other housing options. 24-hour staff address housing, financial, and mental/physical health and addiction issues through crisis intervent...
  14. Provides wraparound outreach services to people of Indigenous descent (families, single men, and single women) who are homeless (for six months or more, or have had three episodes of homelessness in the last year), or at risk of homelessness. Uses the Medicine...
  15. Assists Indigenous people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in finding and securing long-term or more stable housing options. Services include an outreach team, and the RentSmart program which is recognized by many landlords in Metro Vancouver as a r...
  16. Offers free and safe drug testing nationwide by mail, as well as in person testing. Drugs that can be tested include psychedelics, stimulants, opiates, and others such as ketamine, PCP, and steroids. Cannot test whole herbs such as cannabis, kratom, peyote, an...