ASK Learning Centre

Provided by: Servants Anonymous (SA) Foundation

Service Description

Day recovery program for women living in Genesis House; also open to women in other recovery programs age 18 and up. Recovery curriculum includes job preparedness classes such as computers, financial management, and job training; and recreational and educational outings. Aim is for women to deal with past experiences of abuse, any present addictions and concurrent conditions, learn to engage in healthy relationships, learn to deal with emotions in a healthy manner, improve quality of life, increase self-esteem, and learn healthy parenting skills. The Employability Skill Development Program assists participants to gain employability skills through classes and hands-on activities, including sewing, computer skills, handicrafts, employment readiness, and academic preparation. Also assists in reaching achievable goals and with any application processes, job training experience, necessary certificates, coursework, and resumes/cover letters. Aim is to improve life skills, increase self-esteem, improve communication skills, learn employability skills and gain work experience, and increase level of education. Program hours are 10 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.

Service Location