Child Development Services (CDS) - Island

Provided by: Sources Community Resources Society

Service Description

An integrated, multidisciplinary team provides developmental services and support to Enables children under five years of age who may be experiencing or are at risk for developmental delays Infant Development offers home-based outreach services for children from birth to age three who may be at risk of developmental delays; group activities for parents and children are also provided. Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy provide assessment, treatment, and consultation for children from birth to age five. Also helps children develop skills for play activities and daily living, and provides parents and caregivers with information about movement. Speech and Language serves children from birth to age five who may be at risk for speech/language delays with a focus on prevention and identification. Speech and language pathologists assess hearing, speech, and language. Referrals are accepted from parents, physicians, and other community professionals. Serves Bowser, Coombs, Dashwood, Deep Bay, Errington, Horne Lake, Lasqueti, Nanoose Bay, Parksville, Port Alberni, Qualicum Bay, Qualicum Beach, and Whiskey Creek. Office hours are 9 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Funded by Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD).

Service Location