Connecting Families Initiative

Provided by: Innovation, Science, and Economic Development (ISED) Canada

Service Description

Participating internet service providers offer home internet services at reduced costs for pre-selected low-income families and seniors; note that eligible individuals will be notified by letter and cannot apply directly. $10 a month plan includes speeds of up to 10 megabits per second and up to 100 gigabits of data per month. $20 a month plan includes speeds of up to 50 megabits per second for download, 10 megabits per second for upload, and a minimum of 200 gigabits of data. No fees for equipment or installation. Eligible households are randomly selected and will receive an offer letter from the Government of Canada. Eligible low-income families are receiving the maximum Canada Child Benefit (CCB), and low-income seniors are receiving the maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS); not everyone who meets this eligibility requirement will receive a letter. To claim offer, use access code in online portal or call to register. The access code is valid for the duration of initiative which ends March 31, 2027. Hours are 8:30 am to 5 pm Eastern Time, Monday to Friday.

Service Location