Forensic Nursing Service - Surrey

Provided by: Surrey Memorial Hospital

Service Description

Provides trauma-informed health and forensic care to individuals of any gender ages 13 and over who have experienced intentional person-to-person violence within the past seven days. Types of violence addressed include sexual assault, domestic and family violence, intimate partner violence, human trafficking and exploitation, and child abuse, assault, and mistreatment. A forensic nurse reviews the individual's health, social, and legal needs in a safe and private setting, and provides compassionate, comprehensive, and culturally sensitive medical-forensic evaluation based on the individual's preferences and decisions. Also offers referral to follow-up medical, social, and legal resources. Accessed through the emergency department at Surrey Memorial Hospital; individuals may present to the emergency room at any Fraser Health hospital and request a referral to the forensic nurse examiner following triage assessment. Service is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Service Location