Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRSRHSP)

Provided by: First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)

Service Description

Provides access to culturally safe and confidential counselling and Elder support for former students of Indian residential schools who are: applying for the Common Experience Payment; resolving a claim through Independent Assessment Process, Alternate Dispute Resolution, or the courts; or participating in Truth and Reconciliation or commemoration events. Services may also be accessed by family members of survivors, and are available before, during, and after the resolution process. A treatment plan estimating duration and cost of counselling must be submitted by a counsellor recognized by FNHA before treatment begins in order to be considered. Assists with transportation costs if service is not available in the home community; travel details and costs must be submitted before travel begins to be eligible. Also provides emotional support service using a holistic approach, by a cultural support worker or a residential school health support worker. Serves BC.

Service Location