Results for: aboriginal child and family services - Coquitlam, BC, Canada
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Coquitlam, BC, Canada
  • aboriginal child and family services

  1. Supports the well-being of Aboriginal children, youth, and families, especially those who are vulnerable, through child protection. Also offers family support services, guardianship services, adoption (both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal), and family group conf...
  2. Provides preventive, supportive, and protective services for Aboriginal children and families. Responsible for investigation and assessment of potential child protection concerns. Also works with families and children in a family support and guardianship capac...
  3. Reviews, assesses, and investigates reports of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation of Aboriginal children and youth, and provides services to their parents or caregivers. Supports for families may include counselling, parenting programs, traditional healing...