Results for: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Child and Family Services
  • North Vancouver, BC, Canada

  1. Provides support services to Indigenous families of infants under age six who are at risk or have been diagnosed with a developmental delay. Support services include home visits, family support, developmental survey, support with activity planning and goal set...
  2. Offers one-on-one visits with Indigenous Elders to provide spiritual and cultural guidance. Elders and Knowledge Keepers also lead cultural circles including West Coast teachings, Ki Ya Nan, medicine circles, drum circles, and wellness circles. Other activitie...
  3. Community-based preschool program that promotes healthy child development for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit children ages three to five. Program focuses on six components: Indigenous culture and language; education and school readiness; health promotion; nut...
  4. Provides programming for families and children from birth to six years of age. The Early Childhood Development Outreach Worker Program supports parents with children up to six years of age through home visits, parenting workshops, opportunities to meet other p...
  5. Oversees the implementation of the Early Years Service Framework. The Early Years Service Framework outlines the policy direction for all early years services supported by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). The framework seeks to explain w...
  6. Support group for parents, grandparents, or caregivers raising Indigenous children who have or may have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Groups meet via zoom from 12 noon to 2 pm every first and third Friday of the month; see calendar for details.
  7. Supports parents and caregivers with a child from birth to age 18 living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Services include peer support, advocacy, parenting skills development, life skills training, referral to services, home and community visits, ...
  8. Assists referred Aboriginal children and families, with the goals of preventing the removal or departure of children from the family home, reuniting family members, and strengthening the immediate and extended family units. Provides in-home child and youth int...
  9. Voluntary program whereby a one-to-one worker provides support to Indigenous families experiencing life challenges. Assists families in creating or increasing natural and extended family supports in the community and developing specific strategies in dealing w...
  10. Offers an eight-week intervention program about family violence, including coping and communication skills. Topics include power and control, warning signs, residential schools, children who witness abuse, trauma, anger, dealing with stress, conflict resolutio...
  11. A 12-week program for fathers and mothers focused on learning responsible parenting techniques using an Indigenous cultural approach. Promotes connection to culture as parents become more actively involved in the lives of their families. The goal of the progra...
  12. Provides a place for Indigenous families with children from birth to age six to play together in a warm cultural environment. Provides healthy snacks, bus tickets, and circle time with songs and drumming, as well as toys and resources. Focus is on traditional ...
  13. Family resource centre at two locations for parents, caregivers, and children from birth to age six. Provides a clothing exchange, parent education, and learning opportunities for children. The core drop-in program, Learning Together Through Play, is a play-ba...
  14. Federal framework that applies to all First Nations children and youth (up to age 19) living on or off reserve, as well as those in government care, with an identified need for a publicly funded health or social service. Navigators assess needs, facilitate ear...
  15. Residential addictions treatment for Aboriginal families. Facilitates family healing and recovery from drug and alcohol misuse; develops and delivers group learning and processing experiences, combining contemporary principles of group work with traditional he...
  16. Helps families with Métis children from birth to eight years of age build a network of support that provides children with opportunities for early learning and childhood development. Métis Family Connections Navigators assist families to access programs and se...