
  1. Homelessness Prevention ProgramProvided by: Act 2 Child and Family Services - AKA: Act II Child and Family Services
    Provides services to individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, in particular women who have experienced violence or are at risk of violence; also considers youth transitioning out of foster care, individuals of Indigenous descent, and individual...
  2. Specialized housing typically includes 24-hour staffing and supervision or one live-in care provider with additional staff support during the day. A home is carefully selected and developed around a child or youth to meet their specific health, physical, menta...
  3. Safe house with six beds and meals for at-risk male, female, and transgender youth, ages 15 to 18, of all nations and ethnicities. Provides a supportive and nonjudgmental environment that empowers youth to define their own identity, achieve healthy self-determ...
  4. Child and Family ProgramsProvided by: WJS Canada - AKA: WJ Stelmaschuk and Associates Ltd
    Empowers families to address the emotional, social, physical, and general health aspects of their lives, helping them create a support network that includes family, friends, organizations and members of their community along with other professionals who can he...
  5. Offers supportive housing to youth and adults with serious and persistent mental illness so that they can live independently. Summit House is a long-term residence with part-time support that accommodates five adults in Port Coquitlam; maximum stay is two year...
  6. Supports to Indigenous youth ages 16 to 24 who are episodically and chronically homeless to obtain or sustain housing. Priority is given to youth who are aging out of or have aged out of care. Connects youth to permanent housing and provides resources for life...
  7. Family and Community Services are for families with school-aged deaf, hard-of-hearing, and deafblind children and youth up to age 23. Services include language and literacy support (sign language and English); parent coaching; parenting groups; youth groups an...
  8. Supports and promotes second-language education and cross-cultural understanding through heritage/international language instruction and education. Organizes exchanges between Grade 10 and 11 BC students and students in Germany. Also serves as an umbrella orga...
  9. A legal agreement between youth and Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) is available for youth ages 16 to 18 who cannot return home to their family for reasons of safety, and youth who have no parent or guardian willing to take responsibility fo...