
  1. Supports women to address trauma, relationship violence, and heal from historical and intergenerational trauma. Offers RedPath Living Without Violence Program, a 12 week group which meets six hours per week; weekly healing circles; connections to community and...
  2. Provides outreach and support services to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit women and their children who have experienced violence. Offers support through home visits, crisis calls, accompaniment, and advocacy. Services include one-to-one needs-based support, in...
  3. Native Courtworkers facilitate access to justice by assisting Indigenous people in conflict with the law who are involved in the criminal justice system to obtain fair, just, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. Services include referral to legal serv...
  4. Provides help for and promotes healing of Aboriginal individuals and communities in BC who have experienced emotional, physical, sexual, and spiritual abuse in residential schools. Services include counselling, referral to community-based services, workshops o...
  5. Supports the well-being of children, youth, and families, especially those who are vulnerable, through child protection and child and youth mental health services. Also offers family support services, guardianship services, adoption, services for children and ...
  6. Provides culturally appropriate support and and crisis referral services to former residential school students and their families 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  7. Develops concrete actions and activities to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural, and political well-being of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit women, girls, and gender diverse people in Canada. Activities revolve around education, tools f...
  8. This class action settlement provides compensation for the harms suffered by Indigenous students forced to attend Federal Indian Day Schools and Federal Day Schools across Canada. Claims for compensation processing began January 13, 2020. Gowling WLG (Canada) ...