
  1. Works with individuals with mental health and/or addiction concerns and their families to support them in understanding mental health services and developing initiatives for change. The Mental Health and Substance Use Family Support Drop-In is a support group ...
  2. Counselling and mental wellness services include individual counselling, group counselling, outreach services, and community support. Psychiatry consultation may be part of the service; if seeking psychiatry service only, referral required from a family doctor...
  3. Provides individual counselling, outreach services, and community support to people with a mental health disability and/or substance use issue. Drop-in counselling is free and available from 11 am to 3 pm Wednesdays; call on Wednesday morning to set up a same-...
  4. Provides services and support to people with trauma or a dissociative disorder and their loved ones. Offers online support groups for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), Religious Trauma Syndrome, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Other Specif...
  5. Trained volunteers provide confidential support that can include in-home or in-facility support for clients facing life-threatening illness and their families. Bereavement and grief follow-up is provided by volunteers after the death of a loved one, either thr...
  6. Support group for people suffering from, or supporting someone with, obsessive compulsive disorder. Meets 4 pm to 6 pm Saturdays at the Central branch of the Vancouver Public Library (350 West Georgia Street). To be directed to the meeting, inquire at the lib...
  7. Provides care and support for individuals and families facing life-threatening illness, death, and bereavement. Offers support groups, respite services, individual and family counselling, education, and volunteer visiting. Lending library provides resources on...
  8. Provides free support services to families of those with mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorders, and borderline personality disorder, including suicide intervention. Services are offered on ...
  9. Peer support group led by trained volunteers who provide emotional support for children ages six to 12 who have suffered a significant loss in their lives, either by death, divorce, or another painful transition. Children are separated into small groups accord...
  10. Offers peer support group programs to assist children, teens, and adults who are grieving a death, loss, divorce, or other painful transition in their family. Program runs for 12 to 13 weeks, with small groups of three to five participants within an age group ...
  11. Offers peer support group programs to assist children, teens, and adults who are grieving a death, divorce, or other painful transition in their family. Small groups of five to seven people of a similar age level and similar type of loss are led by trained vol...
  12. Provides comfort, care, and support to individuals and families affected by life-threatening illness, death, and bereavement. Offers support groups, one-to-one companionship, respite services, counselling, education, and workshops and training. Assists with ad...
  13. Provides care and support for individuals and families facing life-limiting illness, death, and bereavement. The end-of-life Compassionate Care Program provides trained volunteers to people living with a life-limiting illness in the hospital, home, or any faci...
  14. Offers social, wellness, and support groups, including a bereavement support group, dementia caregiver support group, ladies coffee and cards, ladies coffee social, and men's coffee and cards. Other services include excursions, game nights, intergenerational s...
  15. Resource centre dedicated to mental health issues. Provides advocacy, navigation of the system, and referrals to community services for individuals and families; printed resources; counselling services; education and training for individuals and families inclu...