Results for: Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada
  • Outreach
  • Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada

  1. Cyrus Centre Outreach - AbbotsfordProvided by: Cyrus Centre Ministries - AKA: Cyrus Centre - Abbotsford
    The SWIFT Program aims to address continuity of care in supporting at-risk youth ages 13 to 24 (who deal with issues such as homelessness, substance use and mental health challenges, exploitation, and poverty), with the coordinated partnership of the City of A...
  2. Cyrus Centre Outreach - ChilliwackProvided by: Cyrus Centre Ministries - AKA: Cyrus Centre - Abbotsford
    An outreach team connects street youth and young adults ages 13 to 24 to local services and ensures they have access to basic and essential needs. Aim is to promote safety, stability, and direct youth toward housing. Program runs Monday to Friday and is in par...
  3. Provides outreach to individuals who are homeless in Victoria. Provides snacks, necessities, and warm supplies such as tarps, sleeping bags, socks, and jackets. Support services include form completion assistance, moving help, facilitating funerals and memoria...
  4. Provides low- to moderate-income housing for the Aboriginal community. The Aboriginal Homeless Outreach Program provides outreach services to Aboriginal individuals age 19 and over who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or difficult to house. Outreach...
  5. Provides outreach to street-involved youth in the Vancouver area. Makes referrals to Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) social services, counselling, advocacy, and information resources. Also provides crisis intervention and assists youth to re...
  6. A 24-hour drop-in centre for youth age 25 and under who are homeless, at risk, or street involved. Services include shower and laundry facilities; clothing, shoes, and toiletries; harm reduction supplies and information; housing search assistance; information ...
  7. Offers a drop-in space with a lounge and kitchen, as well as computer and phone access for Downtown Eastside youth ages 15 to 24 who struggle with mental and physical health challenges, and housing instability. Provides outreach and clinical and support servic...
  8. A drop-in centre providing advocacy, housing outreach, and referral services for adults who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless due to mental health and/or addictions issues, disability, incarceration, or poverty. Services include housing search assis...
  9. 22.73KM
    Provides harm reduction supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, and other social supports. Supplies include syringes, water, cookers, and ties. Provides safer sex supplies, including condoms. Also of...
  10. Offers free and safe drug testing nationwide by mail, as well as in person testing. Drugs that can be tested include psychedelics, stimulants, opiates, and others such as ketamine, PCP, and steroids. Cannot test whole herbs such as cannabis, kratom, peyote, an...
  11. Provides outreach from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm nightly to homeless and/or sexually exploited women in the downtown core of Kelowna. Connects women with community resources and hands out supplies such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, toiletries, and candy. Take...
  12. Harm Reduction Clinic/AIDS Prevention ProgramProvided by: Northern Health - AKA: Northern Health Authority
    Provides Public Health Nursing services and harm reduction supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, and other social supports. Public health nurse assists with HIV testing, hepatitis testing, sexually...
  13. Offers full harm reduction services including safer injection equipment (needles, cookers, ties, swabs, sharps, and VitC), safer inhalation kits (stem and bubble pipes), safer snorting kits (plastic or paper straws), Take Home Naloxone (Narcan) Kits and overdo...
  14. Harm Reduction ServicesProvided by: BGC Williams Lake Club - AKA: Boys and Girls Club of Williams Lake and District
    Provides harm reduction supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, and other social supports. Provides safer drug use supplies and safer sex supplies. Also provides Take Home Naloxone Kits (Narcan) that...
  15. Overdose prevention site provides a place where people who use drugs can be safely monitored and treated immediately if they overdose. Provides harm reduction supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, ...
  16. Homeless Family OutreachProvided by: Burnside Gorge Community Centre - AKA: Burnside Gorge Community Association
    Provides advocacy and outreach to single parent, two parent, and extended families with children age 18 and under, and pregnant women who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or difficult to house. Outreach workers meet with families where they are at -...
  17. Provides outreach to individuals age 19 and over (youth age 18 and younger may also be eligible) who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or difficult to house. Outreach workers meet with individuals where they are - on the street, in a shelter, or in a...
  18. Homeless Outreach Program (HOP) - Fort St JamesProvided by: Connexus Community Resources - AKA: Nechako Valley Community Services
    Provides immediate outreach support to individuals age 19 and over who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness. Services include referrals to emergency shelters, food banks, health care, counselling, addiction recovery, and other community resources. S...
  19. Homeless Outreach Program (HOP) - Fraser LakeProvided by: Connexus Community Resources - AKA: Nechako Valley Community Services
    Provides immediate outreach support to individuals age 19 and over who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness. Services include referrals to emergency shelters, food banks, health care, counselling, addiction recovery, and other community resources. S...
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