
  1. Provides safe, secure, temporary shelter and support for self-identified women, with or without children, who are fleeing violent relationships or are at-risk of abuse, threats, or violence. Accepts male children up to age 18. Accepts refugees and refugee clai...
  2. Chiwid Transition HouseProvided by: Cariboo Friendship Society - AKA: Cariboo Friendship Centre
    A 16-bed safe haven for women (cisgender and transgender), with or without children, who have experienced emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Accepts male children up to age 14. Also offers counselling, education, and support for women and children. Does not...
  3. Provides temporary safe shelter for women (inclusive of cisgender and transgender women), with or without children fleeing abusive situations; must be alcohol- and drug-free. Accepts male children up to age 17; male dependent children with disabilities are acc...
  4. Provides support for seniors to remain independent in their homes for as long as possible by keeping them connected to their communities. Support services include information and referral, legal advice clinics, computer lessons, and educational sessions on mat...
  5. Delivers a variety of services to foster a healthy Teslin Tlingit community and collaborates with clients to develop personalized case plans. Home Support program assists Elders and people with disabilities to live comfortable in their homes and provides relie...
  6. Provides victim services to victims (all ages and genders) of relationship violence, sexual assault, child abuse (sexual or physical), criminal harassment, elder abuse, and other forms of family violence. Services include emotional support, advocacy, accompani...
  7. Provides services to ensure that Cowichan Tribe Elders are well cared for and provided with the right environment to carry out their responsibilities to the community. Support services include a day program, a swimming program, and a bath program. Promotes hea...
  8. Drop-in centre provides a safe place for older adults living in the downtown core to congregate with one another. Offers leisure activities such as cards and games, recreational activities, special events, newspapers and magazines, and computers with internet ...
  9. Operates a 24-hour crisis line and provides safe, confidential first-stage transition housing to women (cisgender and transgender) with or without children who are fleeing family violence, or to any women at risk of harm. Maximum stay is one month. Women are a...
  10. 10-bed first-stage transition house accepts women with or without children; priority is given to women with children, and women without children may be accepted if there is space. Serves women who are fleeing and/or seeking support around violence and abuse, a...
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