  • Emergency Shelters for Women

  1. First-stage transition house for self-identified women with or without children fleeing family violence of any kind, as well as women experiencing homelessness and needing support while in a state of transition. Accepts male children up to 14 years of age. Pro...
  2. Provides year-round, low-barrier, 24-hour emergency shelter in rooms of nine to 18 beds for homeless self-identified women in the Downtown Eastside. Capacity is 57 women. Harm-reduction focus. Services include snacks, meals, showers, laundry facilities, person...
  3. Provides year-round, low-barrier, overnight emergency shelter beds for 31 women ages 19 and up on a first-come, first-served basis. Also provides a drop-in space for respite from the elements and lunches. Serves cisgender and transgender women, as well as non-...