Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)

Provided by: Department of National Defence (DND)

Service Description

Maritime component of the Canadian Forces that protects Canada's interests by safeguarding maritime approaches, exercising sovereignty over Canada's waters, protecting offshore natural resources, supporting search and rescue missions, and supporting international operations to maintain global stability. Maritime Forces Pacific, based in Victoria, BC, is responsible for generating and maintain multi-purpose combat-capable maritime forces prepared to conduct operations in Canadian waters, and in support of national objectives around the world. RCN National Capital Region is headquartered in Ottawa, ON, and directs all operations of the Navy. Maritime Forces Atlantic, based in Halifax, NS, comprises the largest Naval formation. Responsible for generating and maintain the ships and submarines of the Atlantic Fleet, and provides routine planning, command and control, coordination, and logistical support to all RCN warships and assets deployed on Canadian Armed Forces missions. RCN Naval Reserve, headquartered in Quebec City, QC, includes 24 Naval Reserve Divisions across Canada; helps train individuals and teams for operations, including domestic safety operations.

Service Location