Sources Volunteer Services

Provided by: Sources Community Resources Society

Service Description

Offers ongoing Tax Clinics year round for low-income families and individuals ( A volunteer Shop-By-Phone program is available for homebound individuals with a $7 or $14 delivery charge; volunteers take grocery orders from 8 am to 11 am on Mondays and deliver orders from 8 am to 10 am on Tuesdays. Serves residents of White Rock and South Surrey. The Volunteer Wheels program for residents of South Surrey or White Rock provides transportation to individuals (regardless of age, disability or health condition), who have no alternative means of transportation for medical and dental appointments within Metro Vancouver. Service includes space for a personal attendant. Can accommodate a walker and a wheelchair depending on vehicle. Service hours depend on volunteers and are from Monday to Saturday. Transportation is by car with a volunteer driver. Booking is required at least one week prior before trip; booking hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Booking of regular trips is permitted. A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel a trip. Client fee is a donation to assist with cost of mileage and clients pay directly for each trip. For seniors being discharged from the hospital with no way to get home, Hospital-to-Home provides volunteers who help the patient get home safely and comfortably; operated in cooperation with Peace Arch Hospital and the Seniors Come Share Society.

Service Location