Substance Use Services

Provided by: SHARE Family and Community Services Society

Service Description

Provides free in-office and outpatient services to youth and adults who are experiencing problems related to drug and/or alcohol misuse, as well as health promotion initiatives to prevent substance misuse. Counselling for adults and youth ages 12 to 18 supports exploration of alcohol and drug-related concerns, and consideration of options for developing and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Also provides referrals, presentations, and consultations to students under 19 years of age and parents/caregivers in School District 43. Offers education/support groups for parents, and relapse prevention and other groups for youth. Support groups and a weekly education series are also available for adults impacted by substance use of a loved one. Services also include broad-based health promotion initiatives targeting improved overall community health, such as responsible drinking, abstinence, and harm reduction initiatives. Office hours are 9 am to 9 pm Monday to Thursday, and from 9 am to 4 pm Fridays.

Service Location