Virtual Substance Use and Psychiatry Service

Provided by: First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)

Service Description

Provides individuals with access to specialists in addictions medicine and psychiatry as well as mental health and wellness care coordinators. Services are free to all First Nations people and their family members living in BC, including family members who are not Indigenous. Specialists are dedicated to practices of cultural safety and humility, and to delivering trauma-informed care. Through the Addictions Medicine Pathway, offers harm reduction support, relapse prevention planning, education about treatment centres and referrals if possible, and treatment care planning. Through the Psychiatry Pathway, offers diagnosis support, medication review, and treatment care planning. Referral required from a health and wellness provider, trusted Knowledge Keeper or Elder, or the First Nations Virtual Doctor of the Day. Substance use and addictions medicine service hours are 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. Psychiatry service hours are 9:30 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday.

Service Location