Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Provided by: Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

Service Description

Voluntary program that helps Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefit recipients return to work. Services include vocational counselling, financial support for training, and job search services. Participants continue to receive regular CPP disability benefit payments while searching for a job. To be eligible, individuals must receive a CPP disability benefit, be likely to return to work through the assistance of the program, and have a stable medical condition. Program may assist individuals to return to a former job, return to a modified version of a former job, work at a different job with a former employer, work at a different job with any employer, be retrained for a job through skills or education upgrading, or gain skills for self-employment. To apply, individuals should contact the Canada Pension Plan online, by phone or mail, or in-person at the nearest Service Canada office. Phone hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.

Service Location