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February 11 is 211 Day

Updated February 11, 2025

Annually on February 11, Canadians come together to celebrate 211 Day (2/11) —a day dedicated to raising awareness about the 211 service and its vital role in supporting communities across the country.

This year, on February 11, over 70 landmarks nationwide will illuminate in red for United Glow and 211 partners and staff from across Canada will unite in raising awareness and inspiring action through social media, advocating for sustained funding with all levels of government and hosting community events.

United Glow 2025

United Glow 2025: Illuminating Canada in Red

A key feature of 211 Day is United Glow, a nationwide initiative where landmarks, monuments, and buildings across Canada illuminate in red to symbolize that no one should face their struggles alone. This year, over 70 locations will shine brightly in support of 211.

You can get involved by visiting a participating landmark on February 11, snapping a photo, and sharing it on social media with the hashtags #211DayCanada, #UnitedGlow, and #HelpStartsHere.

United Glow Participants 2025

View the national list of locations here: https://www.unitedway.ca/february-11-is-211-day/

British Columbia

Burnaby – BC Parkway

Burnaby – City Hall

Kelowna – Visitor Centre

Ladysmith – City Hall

Maple Ridge – City Hall

Parksville – Civic and Technology Centre

Port Coquitlam – City Hall

Port Moody – City Hall

Quesnel – Fraser River Footbridge

Trail – Victoria Street Bridge

Vancouver – BC Place, The Northern Lights Display

Vancouver – Burrard Street Bridge

Vancouver – Canada Place, Sails of Light

Vancouver – City Hall

Vancouver – Pacific Coliseum – PNE

Vancouver – Science World

Victoria – BC Parliament Buildings, Ceremonial Entrance and Fountains

Victoria – Confederation Garden Park, Fountain and Waterfall

Victoria – Royal BC Museum

White Rock – White Rock Pier

In addition to the long list of United Glow participants, community leaders across the country show their support by making proclamations at municipal or county council, having flag raising ceremonies or otherwise formally recognizing the day. Community champions raise awareness of 211 as a critical service for their residents to access the help they need to live well, something everyone can get behind!

What is 211?

211 is a free, confidential service that provides everyone in Canada with easy access to information about essential government and community services. By simply dialing or texting 2-1-1, individuals are connected to a trained Resource Navigator who can offer information about local supports such as:

Available 24/7 and offering support in over 150 languages, over 240 in B.C., help starts with 211. Visit bc.211.ca for information about your local 211 British Columbia.

Why is 211 Important?

Every year, 211 connects over 2 million Canadians to the help they need most.

In difficult times, people often don’t know where to turn for assistance. 211 serves as a lifeline, directing individuals to the appropriate services before they reach the point of crisis.

Nationwide in 2023, 602,834 contacts made by phone, text, chat and email were answered by the 211 service, and 686,000 requests for support were handled by 211 Resource Navigators.  Housing and shelter were the top needs expressed in contacts with the 211 services followed by mental health supports.

In the past 10 months in British Columbia (April 2024 – January 2025), we’re seeing a similar trend. Mental health related calls are on track to be the second most common reason for contacts this year, up from fourth position. Housing and homelessness remains consistently in the top position.

211’s aggregated data also provides valuable information for decision-makers and program developers about top needs and service gaps in communities across the country.

For example, in the past 10 months in British Columbia, housing and shelter resources accounted for 49% of the unmet needs identified in contacts to 211, while mental health resources accounted for 6-8% of the unmet needs. Unmet needs reflect a lack of local services to meet callers’ needs or a lack of capacity from the sector to respond to the level of need in a community. Information like this can help inform where further resources can be invested to make sure that people can access the support they need when they are faced with life’s challenges.

How can you help?

We can only help others if they know that we are here. Help spread the word about this essential service by sharing our posts on social media, taking a picture in front of a United Glow landmark on 211 Day, or telling friends or family about 211. Ask them to do the same and keep the momentum going.

Media Inquiries

News Release: https://uwbc.ca/media/

For all media inquiries please email Dara Hill, United Way BC at DaraH@uwbc.ca

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