Grace Mansion

Provided by: The Salvation Army - BC Division

Service Description

Transitional supportive housing for adults of any gender while they work toward independent living including those in recovery from addiction or mental health obstacles, at risk of homelessness, fleeing domestic abuse, and those in need of aid during unforeseen circumstances in their life. Clients with a history of addiction are expected to be at least 90 days sober prior to residency. Offers suites for 27 women and 57 men. Units contain a personal kitchen and washroom; shared laundry facility. Length of stay is 24 months. Residents are assigned a program worker in order to pursue a Personal Development Plan, which helps them to find relevant resources and guides them towards their future goals and aspirations. The plan is complemented by in-house group activities. Cost is the shelter portion of income assistance, or 30 percent of earned income. Accepts referral by self or other community agencies; must include one reference. Application form available online, in person, or by email request.

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