Results for: vancouver
  • Advocacy and Information
  • vancouver

  1. Provides information and referral, advocacy information, and outreach to families with a child or family member who has an intellectual disability. Also offers assistance with transition and future planning, will and estate planning, development of personal su...
  2. Provides opportunities for families with a member with a disability to connect with other families in social and recreational activities. Also runs workshops, a support group, and an advocacy committee for inclusion. Offers a weekly newsletter and family suppo...
  3. GF Strong Adult Concussion Services (GFACS)Provided by: GF Strong Rehab Centre - AKA: GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre
    Provides adult concussion services to individuals ages 18 and up with a diagnosis of concussion or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) less than one year ago; clients must live within the Vancouver Coastal Health area of service. Offers a Group Education Sessio...
  4. Rehabilitation centre providing inpatient and centralized services to clients and patients throughout BC and the Yukon. Provides care in five specific areas: acquired brain injury, adolescent and young adult, spinal cord injury, arthritis, and neuromusculoskel...
  5. Integrated centre offers a "one-stop-shop" for families looking for support, and provides a wide range of programs and services for children, youth, and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. Also offers clinics, labs, classrooms, and r...
  6. Provides support to families with infants from birth to three years old who have, or are at risk for, developmental delay. Consultants support the parent-child relationship and assist parents in understanding and responding to their baby's needs. Services incl...
  7. Supports parents whose children, up to age three, are developmentally delayed or at risk of being so. Provides home visits, workshops, and opportunities to meet other parents. Assists the family in planning activities that encourage development in physical, in...
  8. Family-centred program for children from birth to age three who have or are at risk of having a developmental delay. Supports parents to understand and respond to children's needs. Home-based services include home visits, developmental assessment, gross motor ...
  9. Provides in-home consultation to families with children under the age of three who are at risk for, or already have, a developmental delay due to causes such as premature birth, disability, illness, and injury. Home visits assist the family to plan learning ac...
  10. Provides information and referral, advocacy, and public education for people with disabilities, and for their families and caregivers. Advocates assist with accessing programs and services, including help with completing forms. Computer/internet access is open...
  11. Offers services to families with children or youth who have, or may have, complex neurobehavioural support needs such as those associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Services include information and referral during the diagnostic process, and ...
  12. Encourages the integration of people with disabilities into the creative and artistic life of Canadian communities. Supports and promotes artistic excellence among artists with disabilities working in a variety of disciplines. Develops and presents workshops, ...
  13. Provides Early Intensive Behaviour Intervention (EIBI) to school-aged children and youth, and adult services to individuals who have an autism spectrum disorder and/or intellectual disability. Services include behaviour consultation; workshops for parents, car...
  14. Volunteer-facilitated support group offering Primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) patients and their family members, caregivers, and friends the opportunity to discuss issues related to living with PLS. Virtual meetings are held by Zoom from 1:30 pm to 3 pm on the ...
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