Results for: vancouver
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • vancouver

  1. Oversees the implementation of the Early Years Service Framework. The Early Years Service Framework outlines the policy direction for all early years services supported by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). The framework seeks to explain w...
  2. Residential addictions treatment for Aboriginal families. Facilitates family healing and recovery from drug and alcohol misuse; develops and delivers group learning and processing experiences, combining contemporary principles of group work with traditional he...
  3. Partners with First Nations, Metis, and Inuit communities and organizations to create positive change in children's lives, supporting and empowering local initiatives and practitioners. Areas of programming include emergencies, early childhood development, edu...
  4. Aboriginal Leadership Opportunities Year provides one year of educational and leadership experience through the Royal Military College of Canada (Kingston, ON). Includes sports, field trips, leadership development, military training, cultural support activitie...
  5. 3683.15KM
    National youth volunteer service organization aims to prepare youth ages 17 to 25 to become responsible citizens who make positive change in their lives and communities. Offers learning opportunities by placing youth volunteers at nonprofit organizations worki...
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