Results for: vancouver
  • Medical Appointments
  • vancouver

  1. Provides free transportation to and from cancer related medical appointments at cancer treatment facilities throughout the Lower Mainland. Priority is given to patients undergoing cancer treatments and follow-up care. Can provide transportation for children wi...
  2. Provides free air transportation for cancer patients attending treatment centres in Vancouver and Victoria from points around Vancouver Island, Sunshine Coast, and parts of the Lower Mainland. Also transports children with non-communicable medical issues who a...
  3. Helps alleviate some of the transportation costs for eligible BC residents who must travel within the province for physician-referred, non-emergency medical specialist services not available in their own community. The patient's physician or nurse practitioner...
  4. Provides transportation to medical and non-medical appointments such as shopping and social excursions for anyone in North Okanagan area. Services include assistance with vehicle entry/exit, and space for a personal attendant. Can accommodate a walker, wheelch...
  5. 675.87KM
    Online platform crowdfunds flights via donations of travel loyalty points to help those in need. Serves people who are dealing with a life-threatening illness or people trying to visit a loved one who is critically ill or in palliative care. Applicants submit ...