
  1. Serves victims and witnesses of all types of crime, including those injured and bereaved by accused that have not been identified or charged. Provides emotional support, advocacy, court orientation and accompaniment, transportation and accompaniment to related...
  2. Provides support to victims, witnesses, and their family members to lessen the impact of crime and trauma. Services include emotional support, crisis intervention, needs assessment and referrals, as well as canine therapeutic support. Accepts referrals from se...
  3. Works in partnership with the Vancouver Police Department to enhance the accessibility of police services for the West End and Coal Harbour neighbourhood communities. Services include public education on crime prevention and personal safety, and assistance wit...
  4. Assists victims and witnesses of crime and other trauma in dealing with the effects of their victimization, through information and referral to community agencies, case information, explanation of police and court procedures, court accompaniment, help with cri...
  5. Provides free, confidential, multilingual information and referral to young people across BC concerned with youth violence, bullying, peer pressure, and intimidation or threats by a person or a gang. Service includes non-judgmental support, information about o...
  6. Aims to reduce violence in youth intimate relationships through a prevention education program that empowers both girls and boys with new understandings of gender formation, gender expectations, and bystander intervention. Trains youth to facilitate workshops ...
  7. Provides skills development programs and leadership opportunities for youth. Pre-teen after school program for youth ages 10 to 14 provides skill development activities, recreational outings, snacks, and homework assistance. Drop-in hours are 3:30 pm to 6 pm W...
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