Results for: vancouver

  1. Offers support to children with special needs so that they can be successful in child-care settings. Services include helping parents in choosing a child care setting, and planning and staff support to meet child specific needs. Serves children birth to 12 yea...
  2. Offers Grade 10, 11, and 12 courses over three semesters for individuals age 16 to 24 who are interested in pursuing their dogwood diploma. Classes generally run Monday through Friday; schedule varies by semester. Offered in partnership with the Native Educati...
  3. Provides programming for families and children from birth to six years of age. The Early Childhood Development Outreach Worker Program supports parents with children up to six years of age through home visits, parenting workshops, opportunities to meet other p...
  4. Provides financial assistance to support education and training for Metis people age 15 and over who are unemployed, underemployed, self-employed, or whose work environment is subject to change. Provides financial assistance to pursue training that is employab...
  5. Provides the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people of Canada with education, employment services, emergency food, counselling support, arts, recreation, culture, addiction counselling, and business initiatives. Through Counselling services, peer counsellors p...
  6. Preschool with an early intervention strategy that addresses the needs of three- to five-year-old Aboriginal children, fostering spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth. Features parental involvement, culture and language education, health prom...
  7. A cooperative volunteer network that preserves information, photographs, and memories of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people. Assists in connecting people who are researching their ancestry and traditions, and encourages sharing of facts and stories. Resour...
  8. Aboriginal Education Enhancement AgreementsProvided by: Ministry of Education and Child Care - AKA: Ministry of Education and Childcare
    Administers working agreements between school districts, local Aboriginal communities, and Ministry of Education and Child Care that are designed to enhance the educational achievement of Aboriginal students. Establishes a collaborative partnership between Abo...
  9. Oversees the implementation of the Early Years Service Framework. The Early Years Service Framework outlines the policy direction for all early years services supported by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). The framework seeks to explain w...