Results for: vancouver
  • Information and Education
  • vancouver

  1. Educates and advocates for greater inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons in the educational system, and for a safer environment for LGBTQ students, parents, and teachers or other staff. Hosts meetings and socials; sponsors a websi...
  2. 9.54KM
    Provides information and referrals and support to people who self-identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, Two-Spirit, asexual, intersex, queer, questioning, and their allies, as well as those who do not identify and their allies. Also pro...
  3. BC Hate Crime TeamProvided by: RCMP - AKA: RCMP E Division
    Tracks and follows up on reports of hate crimes, coordinating with local police as appropriate. People may call to obtain general information or to speak to police about a hate incident. Community liaison is provided by both this office and the Multiculturalis...
  4. 96.75KM
    Provides telephone and chat peer support to LGBTQIA2S youth residing within BC, as well as information and referral services to help youth find local queer resources. Also has an online directory of support services for LGBTQ2S youth. Phone lines and chat serv...
  5. Anti-bullying forum offers information, help, and support to everyone involved in bullying, including the victim, perpetrator, bystanders, parents, school staff, and community. Trained volunteer support responders and counsellors work one-to-one with bullied y...