Results for: vancouver
  • Shower and Laundry Facilities
  • vancouver

  1. Volunteer students from Metro Vancouver secondary schools donate meals (sandwiches and hot meals), snacks, and care packages (including items such as water bottles, socks, blankets, seasonal and hygiene items) bi-monthly to vulnerable individuals, including un...
  2. Provides free women's clothing and personal care kits for women living in poverty or fleeing domestic violence; children's clothing, diapers, bedding, and small households items may be available. Accepts donations of such items; call or email office.
  3. Provides a safe outdoor space for women to gather; use substances safely with trained staff and peers on site; and access harm reduction supplies, personal hygiene products, and snacks. Women have access to services including support securing housing, access t...
  4. Collects and recycles gently used or unused soap and hygiene products from the hotel and accommodation industry that would otherwise be discarded. Also accepts community donations of unfinished bath and beauty products as well as empty shampoo and conditioner ...
  5. Works collaboratively to end homelessness in Burnaby. Comprised of representatives from government agencies, the health authority, community organizations, businesses, faith communities, and concerned citizens. Identifies and addresses homelessness in Burnaby ...
  6. Serves the community through food, information and referral, and thrift store services. Grab and Go program distributes grocery hampers from 1 pm to 2:30 pm Wednesdays; depending on availability may also offers hygiene items, socks, underwear, gloves/toques, a...
  7. Provides food and some personal hygiene products to people living with HIV/AIDS whose incomes are below $20,000/year and who are registered clients. Provides nutritionally relevant groceries specific to the unique health needs of individuals and families livin...
  8. Community centre in downtown south Vancouver, open 9 am to 8 pm daily; general memberships are free. Provides daily low-cost meals: breakfast at 9 am to 11:30 am, lunch from 11:30 noon to 4:30 pm, and dinner from 4:30 pm to 7 pm; coffee, tea, and snacks are av...
  9. Provides a drop-in centre for self-identified women who are street-based sex trade workers age 19 and over. Offers basic needs support, health care services, referrals, hot meals, clean clothing, showers, condoms, harm reduction supplies, personal care items, ...
  10. Provides a drop-in resource centre with one-stop services for youth 12 to 21 years of age. Services include an emergency food bank, showers, and laundry. Youth workers provide support services including information and referral on shelter, income assistance, l...