Results for: vancouver

  1. Provides workers in BC and their dependants with free independent advice, assistance, representation, training, and mentoring with respect to workers' compensation issues; operates independently of WorkSafeBC. Hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.
  2. Independent, adjudicative tribunal mandated to protect public safety while safeguarding the rights and freedoms of persons with mental disorders who are alleged to have committed an offence. Holds hearings to make and review dispositions where individuals char...
  3. Works to promote respect and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in their communities. Educates about self-advocacy and other issues through workshops and presentations at schools and organizations. Holds letter-writing campaigns aimed at gover...
  4. Provides free legal services to people who need help with a provincial human rights complaint. Also provides education and workshops to help people understand their rights and responsibilities under BC's Human Rights Code. The Clinic's Inquiry Line provides ba...
  5. Provides legal outreach to artists and arts organizations. Offer resources, workshops, and clinics where artists can meet confidentially with an experienced lawyer. Payment is by donation. Clinics run by volunteer lawyers and law students are held twice a mont...
  6. Provides form completion assistance for a range of legal issues. Areas of service include Aboriginal law, animal law, civil litigation, family law, federal government complaints, health and disabillity, housing, human rights, income support and benefits, infor...
  7. Advocacy ServicesProvided by: The Kettle Society - AKA: Kettle Friendship Society
    Offers drop-in advocacy services to mental health consumers/survivors. Provides information, support, and representation to resolve income, housing, and family law problems. Assists with welfare benefits, debt issues, tenancy disputes, and child protection con...
  8. Advocacy AccessProvided by: Disability Alliance BC (DABC) - AKA: Disability Alliance BC Society
    Provides one-on-one assistance people with disabilities to apply for, and appeal the denial of, provincial (PWD) and federal (Canada Pension Plan) disability benefits. Files back-taxes for people with provincial disability benefits and helps people with the Di...
  9. Access RDSPProvided by: Disability Alliance BC (DABC) - AKA: Disability Alliance BC Society
    Helps qualified persons with disabilities to save for long-term financial security, and enables people receiving social assistance to protect their assets and income. Assists individuals with disabilities to apply for a Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and a Regist...
  10. Promotes access to justice in BC by providing, coordinating, and fostering quality pro bono legal services for people and nonprofit organizations of limited means. Provides legal training, resources, and information to individuals and organizations facilitatin...
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