Results for: vancouver
  • Financial Assistance
  • vancouver

  1. Provides community planning and development, bylaw enforcement, permits and licensing, public works, and emergency services. The Winter Wise Program offers a real-time Snow Response Request tool to identify streets that need snow removal. Mayor: Richard Stewar...
  2. Offers financial support to individuals and families in need. Grants can cover clothing and footwear, food and basic household needs, and personal development or recreation. They can also cover medical expenses such as prosthetics, eyewear, home adjustments fo...
  3. Provides information and referral services, and promotes community connections. In cooperation with other service providers, offers programs for families, youth, and seniors. Family services include family drop-ins for children up to age five and their caregiv...
  4. Provides financial assistance to help low and moderate income seniors and people with disabilities in BC continue to live in the comfort of their own home. Funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligible homeowners, renters, and landlords can...
  5. Provides approved medications and medical supplies/equipment at no cost to individuals of any age who have reached the end stage of a life-limiting illness and who wish to receive palliative care at home. For more information on the medical supplies and equipm...
  6. The Bus Pass Program provides bus passes to eligible seniors and Persons with Disabilities (PWD). Passes can be used in communities served by BC Transit or TransLink; HandyDart is not included. Low-Income Seniors pay a $45 non-refundable annual fee and must me...
  7. 17.75KM
    Identifies local concerns and runs campaigns on neighbourhood issues in the Lower Mainland, which includes conducting door-to-door community organizing, and providing leadership training. Meetings are open to all, although small membership fee for further invo...