Results for: vancouver
  • Early Childhood Development
  • vancouver

  1. Supports parents whose children, up to age three, are developmentally delayed or at risk of being so. Provides home visits, workshops, and opportunities to meet other parents. Assists the family in planning activities that encourage development in physical, in...
  2. Enables children up to age 12 who require extra supports to be included in a childcare, preschool, or after-school setting. Services include assistance finding childcare, individual planning, training and information for families and childcare providers, and r...
  3. Offers specialized one-to-one services for children and youth ages three to 18 who have developmental and/or physical disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder. Program addresses goals such as life skills (including hygiene, money handling, and transportati...
  4. Offers specialized one-to-one services for children and youth ages three to 18 who have developmental and/or physical disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder. Program addresses goals such as life skills, social skills, communication skills, and appropriat...
  5. 54.92KM
    Empowers youth ages 12 to 18 to have healthy and respectful relationships through an interactive violence prevention program called Respectful Relationships (R+R). Adult facilitators deliver workshops, and high school students co-facilitate. Serves various sch...
  6. Provincial Inclusion Outreach ProgramProvided by: Ministry of Education and Child Care - AKA: Ministry of Education and Childcare
    Outreach service aimed to assist schools meet the educational needs of students with severe physical and cognitive disabilities. Provides a specific strategy plan and coordinates resources and information for the educator and student. Offers the Planning Alter...
  7. Funds nonprofit agencies to deliver child care resource and referral services in BC communities. CCRR services for parents include information about child care and the Affordable Child Care Benefit, help finding child care, and educational opportunities. CCRR ...
  8. Supports and promotes family resource programs (FRPs) and the community service agencies delivering them by providing leadership, provincial standards of practice, professional development for staff and volunteers, information on government policy and legislat...
  9. Oversees the implementation of the Early Years Service Framework. The Early Years Service Framework outlines the policy direction for all early years services supported by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). The framework seeks to explain w...
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