Results for: vancouver

  1. Community-based outreach program works with women who have experienced or who are at risk of abuse, threats, or violence in an intimate relationship, as well as women who have experienced historical sexual abuse and sexual assault. Provides support services su...
  2. Conducts initial investigation, intake, and assessment in child protection cases for youth ages 13 and up, based on referrals from the public. Also responds to requests for voluntary support services, and provides youth justice services. Serves Coquitlam, Port...
  3. Provides preventative, supportive, and protective services for Indigenous children and families. Responsible for intake, investigation, and assessment of potential child protection concerns. Serves Coquitlam, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody. Of...
  4. Tri-Cities Neighbourhood CentresProvided by: Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) - Coquitlam/Port Coquitlam/Port Moody - AKA: Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) - Tri-Cities
    Provides family services and child protection services for children ages 12 and under. East Neighbourhood Centre serves Port Coquitlam, while the West Neighbourhood Centre serves Coquitlam and Port Moody. Office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. O...
  5. Offers support and information to children and youth who have been sexually or physically abused, and to their non-offending family members. Also works with children and youth witnesses of crime and provides information and support to adult survivors of child ...
  6. Youth Native Courtworkers facilitate access to justice by assisting Aboriginal youth in conflict with the law who are involved in the criminal justice system to obtain fair, just, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. Services include referral to legal...
  7. Provides free victim support services to women, children, youth, and men who have experienced family and relationship violence, sexual assault, historical child physical/sexual abuse, and criminal harassment. Services include emotional support; advocacy; orien...
  8. International partnership of law enforcement agencies from Canada, the United States, and 10 other countries, as well as non-government organizations and industry, that works to help protect children from online child abuse and other forms of transnational chi...
  9. Offers diverse support groups for girls and women who have experienced any kind of violence or abuse (including stalking) by their intimate partner, regardless of their race, culture, physical ability, or sexual orientation. Includes a language-specific suppor...
  10. Aims to raise awareness about the issue of sexual exploitation for high-risk youth groups including youth in alternative education programs, Aboriginal youth, newcomer youth, youth of minority groups, and youth who identify as LGBTQ2. Provides mentorship and g...
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