Results for: vancouver
  • Victims of Violence
  • vancouver

  1. Offers free and confidential services for anyone on the North Shore aged 13 or older, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or life circumstance, who has experienced sexual violence in some capacity. Offers immediate crisis response for support and/or hospi...
  2. Provides counselling for self-identified women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse, childhood abuse, sexual assault, or abuse and violence in intimate relationships. Also offers the specialized Indigenous Women's Counselling Program. Office hours are 1...
  3. Crisis centre for women and girls provides a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive environment for survivors of violence. Free support services include crisis/emergency response; crisis line phone support; accompaniment to police, hospital, and court; support f...
  4. Offers Canada-wide suicide prevention support by toll-free phone and text. Services are available to anyone who is thinking about suicide, has experienced suicidal ideation, has attempted suicide in the past, has been bereaved by suicide, or is concerned about...
  5. Provides free, confidential, multilingual, information and referral regarding community resources for people in BC dealing with substance use and addiction issues. Resource navigators provide information about detox, counselling, treatment programs, recovery h...
  6. Indigenous Case Workers facilitate access to justice by assisting Indigenous people involved in the criminal justice system to obtain fair, just, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. Provides support, including helping the accused understand their rig...
  7. Native Courtworkers facilitate access to justice by assisting Indigenous people in conflict with the law who are involved in the criminal justice system to obtain fair, just, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. Services include referral to legal serv...
  8. Youth Native Courtworkers facilitate access to justice by assisting Aboriginal youth in conflict with the law who are involved in the criminal justice system to obtain fair, just, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. Services include referral to legal...
  9. Provides notification to victims of crime, and persons protected by a civil protection order, about adult offenders' court proceedings and BC Corrections' movements (custody or community status). Victim Safety Unit (VSU) notifications may include court updates...
  10. Provides outreach and support services to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit women and their children who have experienced violence. Offers support through home visits, crisis calls, accompaniment, and advocacy. Services include one-to-one needs-based support, in...
  11. Works to help Aboriginal families unlearn abusive and violent behaviours and reclaim their traditional values of honour, respect, and equality. Provides counselling regarding family violence, group work and cultural ceremonies, and public education to increase...
  12. Offers free services to women and children who have experienced or are experiencing family violence. Housing Outreach assists women to find and maintain suitable housing. The Multicultural Outreach program provides similar services to immigrant women who are n...
  13. Provides free, confidential, multilingual information and referral to young people across BC concerned with youth violence, bullying, peer pressure, and intimidation or threats by a person or a gang. Service includes non-judgmental support, information about o...