Results for: vancouver
  • Children and Youth with Special Needs
  • vancouver

  1. Assists blind and partially-sighted youth to prepare for their future transition to work and adult life. Offers a three-day Leadership Training weekend, a 12-month practicum, vocational counselling, and a five-day Advanced Life Skills training. Provides skills...
  2. Licensed, out-of-school program for youth ages 13 to 18 with developmental disabilities. Operates after school on weekdays during the school year, and for full days during the spring, summer, and winter breaks. Provides the opportunity for social interaction, ...
  3. A free program supporting unemployed or underemployed youth ages 17 to 29 who experience stress, anxiety, low mood, or other mental health barriers to obtaining or maintaining employment. Program runs for five weeks with online workshops and training focusing ...
  4. Enhances the lives of children with disabilities and their families through advocacy and resources that help children develop potential. Offers adapted/specialized equipment, medical resources, supports for social integration and self-esteem, help with transit...
  5. Offers licensed inclusive child care for children with varying needs and abilities ages three to five. Hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday. Registration is required. Fees are charged. Funded in part by the Ministry of Child and Family Development (MC...
  6. Provides consultative occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and social work services to children aged five to 19 with special health care needs; services are offered in school and home settings. Also provides consultative nursing services to children from birth...
  7. Provides support to parents who have infants or children up to age three who are developmentally delayed or at risk. Offers home visits, workshops, and opportunities to meet other parents. Assists the family in planning a program of activities that encourages ...
  8. Promotes broad-based national awareness and understanding of Tourette Syndrome (TS); educates the community about TS and supports meaningful engagement between children, adults and families living with Tourette and the community at large. Provides direct suppo...
  9. Works to overcome societal barriers for those with disabilities and to empower vulnerable children and families throughout the South Fraser region; helps children with special needs reach their potential. Provides a wide range of comprehensive medical rehabili...
  10. Provides play-based and inclusive childcare and preschool programs for children with and without additional support needs. Works in partnership with families, caregivers, and other professionals, using a family-centered approach supporting each child's individ...
  11. A social program on Saturdays for youth ages nine to 18 who have developmental disabilities. Provides opportunities to learn social and life skills, pursue recreational interests, and participate in small group activities. Referral required from Ministry of Ch...
  12. Offers a fee-based counselling program for children, youth, families, individuals, and couples. Counselling is available in English, Farsi, French, and German. Interpretation services can be arranged. Services are also offered to clients who are deaf or hard-o...
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