Results for: vancouver
  • People with Developmental Disabilities
  • vancouver

  1. Preschool for children ages 30 months to six years with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their neurotypical peers. Provides evidence-based teaching by highly trained instructors in a structured, accessible environment. Offers two, three, or five day programs Monda...
  2. 4.12KM
    Pregnancy outreach program provides health and social service support to women in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside who are dealing with a current or recent history of substance abuse, and are pregnant or parenting infants/toddlers younger than 18 months. Helps ...
  3. Offers specialized one-to-one services for children and youth ages three to 18 who have developmental and/or physical disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder. Program addresses goals such as life skills, social skills, communication skills, and appropriat...
  4. Offers degree credit programs, courses, conferences, and symposia of particular interest to individuals at mid-career who are seeking intellectual refreshment or career change. Degrees, programs, and courses range from part-time executive MBA to liberal arts. ...
  5. Offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees, and graduate diplomas and certificates with a focus on professional and career development programs. Also offers continuing education, and provides accessibility services for students with disabilities, and...
  6. Coordinates services for adults with developmental disabilities, adults with significant limitations in adaptive functioning and a diagnosis of either fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)/autism spectrum disorder (AS...
  7. The Alternate Creations Studio provides a space and an opportunity for people with developmental disabilities to showcase their artistic skills and express themselves creatively. The Stage-Door Theatre Troupe provides opportunities for individuals with disabil...
  8. Offers support to children with special needs so that they can be successful in child-care settings. Services include helping parents in choosing a child care setting, and planning and staff support to meet child specific needs. Serves children birth to 12 yea...
  9. A skill-building program that uses Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) to teach functional skills to children with autism spectrum disorder. Different service options are available for children age two to 10. Intervention team includes a behaviour consultant, spe...
  10. The PSCTC Counselling Clinic offers free counselling sessions to adults, students, and children over the age of 10 from September to April. Sessions offer support with stress-management, anxiety, depression, school, and relationship issues, and are offered in ...
  11. Provincial Inclusion Outreach ProgramProvided by: Ministry of Education and Child Care - AKA: Ministry of Education and Childcare
    Outreach service aimed to assist schools meet the educational needs of students with severe physical and cognitive disabilities. Provides a specific strategy plan and coordinates resources and information for the educator and student. Offers the Planning Alter...
  12. Coordinates services for adults with developmental disabilities, adults with significant limitations in adaptive functioning and a diagnosis of either fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)/autism spectrum disorder (AS...
  13. Offers affordable housing in the form of long-term rental units for individuals with developmental disabilities and their caregivers. The Aspen provides 16 units of subsidized housing with the appropriate level of individual support in a community-based enviro...
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