Results for: vancouver
  • Residential Treatment
  • vancouver

  1. Offers an intensive 60-bed residential treatment program for men 19 years of age and older, who are managing substance misuse. Also offers four withdrawal and treatment beds for men ages 18 to 24. Program is either 28 or 49 days, with extensions based on clini...
  2. Offers a one-year, faith-based live-in program for up to 20 women age 19 and over who are struggling with addiction or another life-controlling issue. Program includes bible study and life skills training within a structured and restorative support environment...
  3. A full-time residential addiction treatment program for up to 70 adult male inmates with a medium custody rating in BC who have severe substance abuse issues. Inmates must have a minimum of six month total sentence. Services include assessment, individual and ...
  4. Residential addictions treatment for Aboriginal families. Facilitates family healing and recovery from drug and alcohol misuse; develops and delivers group learning and processing experiences, combining contemporary principles of group work with traditional he...
  5. Offers a six- or seven-week residential treatment program for persons of First Nations ancestry and of other lineages, age 19 or older; applicants must have withdrawn from alcohol and from mood-altering drugs for two weeks prior to admission. Provides clinical...