Results for: vancouver

  1. Offers support for people who are recovering from domestic abuse whether they are still in the relationship or have left. Services include mentoring delivered via email correspondence and online support groups. The Abused Women Support Group is delivered via a...
  2. Operates a Domestic Abuse Help Line for victims of domestic abuse; open to all faiths and denominations. Staffed by trained volunteers between 10 am and 10 pm daily. Clients are provided with spiritual, legal, and psychological resources, and referrals to tran...
  3. Serves victims and their children who are in highest risk domestic violence situations. The unit offers safety planning, coordination with community partners, heightened police awareness and response, and confidentiality with outreach workers. Accepts referral...
  4. YWCA Survive to Thrive is a free, 12-week specialized employment and skills training program for self-identified women who are survivors of violence, abuse, and/or trauma. Some services are subject to funding and participant eligibility. Open referral and cont...
  5. YWCA Aspire helps newcomer refugee women gain work experience, and includes paid work placement and follow-up support. YWCA Afghan Women's Employment (AWE) supports Afghan refugee self-identified women in exploring and securing careers or further education in ...
  6. Female lawyers offer free legal assistance to women who need legal advice regarding matters of family law. Lawyers do not represent clients in court, but offer a half-hour of legal advice and help clients prepare for court appearances; call to book an appointm...
  7. Community-based program providing emotional and practical support to women and their children who are impacted by family violence. Services include counselling, outreach, advocacy, safety planning, accompaniment (to courts, hospital, police, and legal services...
  8. Offers an eight-week intervention program about family violence, including coping and communication skills. Topics include power and control, warning signs, residential schools, children who witness abuse, trauma, anger, dealing with stress, conflict resolutio...
  9. Provides trauma-informed health and forensic care to individuals of any gender ages 13 and over who have experienced intentional person-to-person violence within the past seven days. Types of violence addressed include sexual assault, domestic and family viole...
  10. Support groups and support services for lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two-spirited and non-binary self-identified women who have been physically, sexually, and/or emotionally abused in an intimate relationship as well as who has experienced childh...
  11. Offers support to women in the Lower Mainland area who have been victims of violence, including physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse. Provides referrals to community resources. Promotes public awareness of gender-based violence. Open referral. Services are...
  12. 12-week structured support group emphasizing safety and coping strategies. Serves women in the first stage of the healing process who are experiencing barriers to accessing services for their trauma/abuse histories and who may have had contact with the psychia...
  13. Assists women with housing search if they are fleeing violence or at risk of violence and are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Assesses client needs, assists with personal goals, and connects women and children with stable accommodation and appropriate ser...
  14. Provides services to individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, in particular people of Indigenous descent, women who have experienced violence or are at risk of violence, youth transitioning out of foster care, and individuals leaving the correc...
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